Are you ready for a life changing experience?
This will be a transformative and rejuvenating experience that you will never forget.
This is a life changing, healing experience and an opportunity to become a Kemetic Reiki Practitioner. These ancient techniques will add more peaceful years to your life and give you tools to help heal your family & friends.

About the retreat...
This retreat is amazing and features a journey to the beautiful Red rocks of Sedona. We will take time in nature to connect with the vortex energy and take a trip around town to shop for crystals and art. Sedona is truly a magical place for healing and elevating your energy.
We will start our days with a Sunrise Ritual and Kemetic Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. Then we begin our lessons after a refreshing break fast of fresh fruit and smoothies. We will be served delicious raw meals made by our chef. Smoothies, salads, nut pate and more delicious treats are on the menu for all to enjoy.
The rituals and attunements will be extra special with the energy of Sedona. We will follow all safety precautions to make sure that everyone stays healthy while we travel and retreat together. We will send you instructions to help you prepare for this healing experience when you register.

Become a Kemetic Reiki Healer
Kemetic Reiki Level 1 & 2 classes will take place in the mornings and we will have time for enjoying the town in the afternoons. We will have an opportunity to share healing energy with each other.
Everyone who comes will receive a Ra Sekhi healing session and have an opportunity to practice as part of the certification process. We also have purification rituals, ancestral ceremony and other activities for spiritual empowerment during the evenings.

Details for Retreat
What's included?
Ancestral Ceremony
Ascension Ceremony
Healing sessions
Earth purification
Water purification
Level 1 & 2 Books
Practitioner Certification
Raw meals
Class instruction

What's not included:
Transportation is not included
Personal Items
The nearest airport is Phoenix, AZ
We will connect those traveling from the same area to each other so ones can carpool to the island.
We will stay in a luxury vacation house with a view. Rooms are double occupancy.
The house address will be sent to you when we get closer to the retreat date.​